Simex ART®: recycled and regenerated asphalt in Italy

Simex ART®: recycled and regenerated asphalt in Italy
Added in News
on 05/09/2022
On Friday 2 September, in Imola, Simex carried out a road repair with ART 1000 within an experimental site, which opens up interesting scenarios in the field of the circular economy and environmental sustainability and can represent an opportunity for effective, long-lasting and lower-cost management of pavement distress.
Simex ART, the asphalt repair technology, in collaboration with Iterchimica and its green product Iterlene, made it possible to repave two sections of the cycle path, using 100% of the materials present on site, regenerating the existing asphalt milling. The intervention took place on a total of 80 m in length by 2m in width, operating at a depth of 40 mm.
«Simex Art, thanks to the two drums and the integrated nebulization and mixing system, allows, with simple steps, to mill and recycle the old pavement directly on site and then to mix it with the regenerating admixture, in this case Iterlene by Iterchimica, and thus repairing deteriorated road surfaces or regenerating entire stretches of cycle paths» said Mirco Risi, CEO of Simex.
The intervention made it possible to reduce construction site costs compared to traditional methods, thanks to the use of a small operating machine and a reduced workforce. The use of 100% of the material present on site proves to be an extremely valuable advantage, in economic and environmental sustainability terms. Finally, the regeneration allowed the immediate reopening to vehicular traffic.
The intervention was carried out in collaboration with Iterchimica, Municipality of Imola, University of Bologna, Area Blu and CTI company.
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