Big road rehabilitation project for the PL 2000 cold planer

Big road rehabilitation project for the PL 2000 cold planer
Added in News
on 25/08/2022
Simex has implemented its offer of attachments dedicated to the road surface restoration, where it is necessary to intervene in a qualitative manner while guaranteeing speed of execution and a reduction in construction times, to the benefit of operators and traffic. This led to the creation of a model equipped with a 200 cm wide milling drum, the largest currently available on the market of cold planers for compact loaders.

Among the first companies interested in the launch of the PL 2000 cold planer, the Italian Trio Strade S.r.l., a specialist in asphalts and paving, used the new model near Bologna, for a road rehabilitation work that included the milling of the wearing course, for the subsequent restoration and laying of new bituminous conglomerate. The road was in conditions of degradation and progressive subsidence. Alligator cracking, deformation, corrugation and potholes. The Municipality of Ozzano dell’Emilia had previously entrusted to another company (on behalf of Open Fiber) the work of laying the optical fiber, on a stretch of 5 km, in the town of Osteria Grande, a village near Ozzano. Subsequently, the administration requested the same stretch to be restored, for a total width of 2 meters, on the right side of the carriageway: the one affected months earlier by the laying of the optical fiber. Since there were no bearing capacity problems of the road substrate, the company proceeded with the milling of the wearing course, setting the equipment to a working depth of 25 mm, exploiting the full width of the milling drum of 2000 mm.

Thanks to the PL 2000 mounted on a CAT299D3 XE, it was possible to proceed quickly, without having to carry out a second side by side pass. Specifically, the forward speed was around 150-160 linear meters per hour. A productivity much appreciated by Trio Strade, which was able to complete the work in a few days, respecting the deadlines set by the local administration project. Given the limited size of the road to be restored, it would not have been possible to intervene with large cold milling machines. The Simex PL 2000 planer for compact loaders also avoided the interruption of vehicular traffic in the opposite direction.

The PL 2000 is designed to be coupled to the latest generation SSL - characterized by high hydraulic power - and benefits from all the Simex features that make the difference on site. As the on-site operators pointed out, the self-leveling system – a Simex patent that guarantees a constant working depth in any condition – was the trump card on a highly irregular surface characterized by cracking and potholes. In addition, the water spraying system, with a tank integrated into the side shift (Simex patent), has allowed the correct dust abatement during the milling phase, avoiding mounting a special system on the prime mover roof. Finally, the Perfomer device, mounted in an ergonomic position, easy to view from the operator cabin, optimizes the attachment performance according to the forward speed of the operating machine. Made with different colors and a graphic scale, it is a Simex patent that allows the device to self-calibrate exactly to the maximum pressure of the prime mover on which the equipment is installed.
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