A special T 200 for fiber optics

A special T 200 for fiber optics
Added in News
on 17.09.2018

In Milan a T 200 wheel saw fitted with suction system used by Sirti to create the fiber optic network is helping to bring down costs down and reduce completion times.

Upgrading connections to the Internet is a requisite throughout the world. In Europe the directive 2014 /61/EU requires that by 2020 all residences, companies and public offices have connections of at least 30 mega/sec and that 85% have 100 mega available. The long term goal is to bring all connections to 100 mega/sec by 2025. This ambitious plan also means that new fiber optic networks must be created, which involves excavation of trenches for their installation.

The European directive seeking to widen access to high-speed broadband by 2020 also implies that mini-trenches must be excavated to contain the cables. Simex wheel saws offer the best solution for this type of trenching.

With Simex Sirti promotes innovation

To achieve the coverage required by the directive, it is necessary to expand the existing fiber optics network. This project has national relevance, also because it means that the roads where works are to be performed, especially in urban contexts, will be considerably impacted.

Sirti is the most important Italian company that builds networks, but it also operates on international markets too. The company has developed a method for laying the networks based on micro-trenching along with machinery and materials all to minimize the impact on the road surface and reduce costs and execution times. Put in practice, a T 200 Simex wheel saw  fitted with a connector for the suction pipe works in tandem with a suction excavator preceding it to excavate a micro-trench 30 mm wide and 200 mm deep. It is thanks to the suction system that the trench stays clean and clear of any waste material. The fiber optic cable is then installed in the trench, followed by injection of a rapid-setting grout, and last a layer of special asphalt is placed over the trench. 

Last July, Sirti in collaboration with the Metropolitan City of Milan performed installation operations, part of a planned series over a period of time, which highlighted the advantages of the coordinated system of excavation, installation and resurfacing developed by the company. 

T 200 wheel saw with suction

The T 200 utilized by Sirti was designed by the Simex R&D Dept. according to the needs of the company. It produces a trench with clean and precise edges, all to the advantage of cable installation and the speed and quality of resurfacing.  

Depending on the wheel used, the T 200 can excavate widths of 25, 30, 40 and 50 mm and a depth down to 200mm. The model developed for Sirti has a special coupling for the suction pipe, positioned to ensure the expulsion of the highest quantity possible of material. 

Like all Simex wheel saw it features hydraulic piston motors in direct drive with the milling disk to deliver maximum hydraulic efficiency and a high cutting force. 

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